Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Why I love fashion/style illustration

Fashion and style illustration can be an odd thing - in so many ways, it does present an idealized world, in which there is always that perfect breeze which floats the tails of your coat without endangering your hat. More than that, one always has the perfect wardrobe - well dressed for every occasion, in items that actually fit. What a novel concept. At the same time, the pictures are oddly less idealized than much modern fashion photography. The people here come in many sizes, and some of the men seem positively chunky under their overcoats. Complexions range from brown to pale to red, unfortunately never including anything darker than brown... and, oddly, the rumples in the clothes are not always perfect. Look at the suit in the upper right. I would not describe these rumples as "idealized" in fact, the back is realistically tight with the arms crossed. I enjoy this odd mingle of idealization and reality, and find it more compelling than many of the modern airbrushed and frankly, all too normal photos in which the most that changes is, perhaps, with more drama than necessary, the cut or color of a jacket.

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